Image: La Dame à la licorne "Le Goût", CL. 10831-10834, late 15th century
Ticket sales alone cannot cover all the costs associated with presenting our programs. We need your help! We’re grateful to every one of our volunteers and sponsors. Every little bit helps us keep sharing this remarkable music and art with you.
Ways you can help
Greet guests and sell tickets at a concert
Run slides (must have familiarity with early music notation and foreign languages)
Reception nibbles/beverages
Venue space
A concert reception ($150)
Program printing for one concert ($100)
Website costs for a year ($300)
A performer for a concert ($500)
Instrument maintenance ($300)
A venue rental ($500)
A concert ($6000)
A professional live concert recording ($1500)
Paid placement of your ad in our printed concert programs - contact us for rates and dimensions
Placing our ad in your concert program - trades welcome!
Meravelha is a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, an organization that helps arts groups (like us!) raise funds to support their work. All donations are tax-deductible, and online giving is quick and secure. Please consider a gift to Meravelha as we continue our creative programming and plan our upcoming projects. Thank you!
If you do not need an acknowledgment letter for tax purposes, we also welcome donations via PayPal